I dug out my old bible from the garage
1 Thessalonians 5:21 and Judges 4:21 are referenced on my rainbow decorated cover.
If I remember correctly, the first reference tells us to “test all things and hold fast to the good” and the second is about the widow nailing some guys head to the ground with a tent peg. (I specifically used this reference anytime a Pastor would ask what my favorite scripture is… yeah, I’m like that.)
I wanted the bible available to look up scriptures when I reference them. I prefer the ISV, but this NIV will do.
This bible and I have been through a lot together. Usually I simply go to BibleGateway.com and reference several different versions, but often I am not sitting at a computer when I am musing.
My first bible was The Living Bible… I found out quickly it is a paraphrase rather than a translation. My second bible was the New American Standard Bible, which I was promptly told it was translated by communists and should be avoided. (Really!) The NIV was acceptable by most pastors, but the King James was the Authorized version. (The New King James was put out to get past the Thee’s and Thou’s, and was second choice.) I stayed with the NIV while waiting anxiously for the ISV to be completed. Since then, I have halted my daily studies. (Yes, I have a soft copy of the ISV on my computer.)
Perhaps I will replace my NIV, but with everything available online, I just don’t know.
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