Breaking Fast
14 days of fasting makes one two week. The most important part of a full water fast is to listen to your body. During the first three days of the fast, the body does put up a fuss, making hunger …
14 days of fasting makes one two week. The most important part of a full water fast is to listen to your body. During the first three days of the fast, the body does put up a fuss, making hunger …
One of my favorite books is “The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer. I often think of this book when I am thinking of seeds.(If you’ve read it, you’ll understand.) In Mark 4:26-29, Jesus told this parable: “The …
The ringing of a bell is a signal. “The bells… I can hear the bells!” -Quasimodo “Whenever a bell rings, an angel gets its wings!” – Zuzu Bailey Yes, a play on words. Yes, the quotes are from fictional characters. …
When I saw the logos for the teams in this year’s Super Bowl, it reminded me of an end times prophecy in Daniel chapter 8. Why? Because the logo for the Patriots looks like a horn. A single horn. The …
I’ve posted before about the belief that Donald Trump is in his position at the Hand of God. (See Gobsmacked) I was fascinated by this video I came upon which expands on the Trump Prophecy and claims the Final Trump …
2018 is over today… As part of my annual New Year celebration, I watched a few episodes of The Twilight Zone. One that stood out was “Four O’Clock” which is episode 94 (season 3, number 29) because it reminded me …
I am a self described bibliophile. I love to read. I can spend hours in a good used book store and am sorry they are not easy to find any longer. I loved going to Border’s Books when they were …
Matthew 1:23 is a quote from Isaiah 7:14 “See, a virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel,” which means, “God with us.” So, this says Mary will name him Immanuel, right? …
Today I am writing about the Magi. Magi is the plural form of Magus. So, we know there are more than one who arrived to visit Jesus after he was born, traditionally there were three. This word is also the …
Incarnation is something we all have done, right? If to be incarnate simply means to be “in the flesh”, or donning the mortal coil, we are all in that camp. So, Jesus being born is nothing special (aside from that …