Anunnaki first genetically created mankind
There is truly a lot we don’t know. It is as if mankind has been subjugated. The dark ages may have erased more than we could possibly know about our history. It is a bit crazy to think that our …
There is truly a lot we don’t know. It is as if mankind has been subjugated. The dark ages may have erased more than we could possibly know about our history. It is a bit crazy to think that our …
2018 reduces to 11 and then to 2. I am not sure if that is important or not… but I like it. 11 is the first two-digit prime number… that is something! Speaking of prime numbers, 3 is the first …
The beginning of this month would’ve been my 33rd wedding anniversary, if I had stayed married. Officially the marriage failed after 30 years, but realistically it failed after 25. I had 5 years of descent in which I had already …
I briefly explained the solar flash and transformation to somebody in an email because I have mentioned it several times. Here is what I wrote: The transformation I am always going on about is a collage of eschatology from all …
I have been thinking a lot about transformation and the new heaven. I think it simply sucks to have to wait, so let’s stop waiting. Let’s just do it! If you want to know what the future holds, create it! …